Skills for New Historians Seminar: The DECRA

We are pretty excited to announce the next instalment in our “Skills for New Historians” seminar series! We’ve already had two great sessions on Digital Histories and Book Proposals, with generous speakers giving valuable information to our attendees. Thanks to all those who have participated so far! If you’d like to catch up on the sessions, they’ve both been recorded and will be uploaded to the new AHA website, to be launched soon! Stay tuned — we’ll announce when the the website is ready and the recordings are able to be viewed. (Note: member log-in required.)

For our next seminar, we’re turning our attention to another part of ECR life that we all hear a lot about and know is important, but can be difficult to navigate: the DECRA. Yep, we’re talking ARC funding. You may have read the posts on this blog about “Dismembering the DECRA“, but want even more information, more transparency. Just what is the DECRA? How do you get one? Why is it so important? Who are the College of Experts, and what do they do? Our panel of speakers will share their perspectives to answer these questions and more:


  • Skills for New Historians: The DECRA with Professor Bronwen Neil, Professor Amanda Nettelbeck, Dr Emma Gleadhill, and Dr Tristan Moss
  • Friday 30 April, 3–5pm AEST (via Zoom)
  • To register: please email by Thursday 29 April

Skills for New Historians is open to ECRs and HDRs who are members of the AHA. If you’d like to join in and aren’t a member, head over to the AHA website where you can renew your membership or become a member for the first time. This seminar will not be recorded.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

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